Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday update

Watts is "getting better" every day. The infection is making its way from his little body and the drug withdrawal symptoms are diminishing. More and more he seems like our son, our little guy who disappeared with the high fever and low blood counts and days and days of sedation.

We are loving having him back!

He's laughing, smiling, eating some table food, and clawing our faces just like the good ole days. He has even started pulling up on the side of his crib. His legs are weak, but he is determined and has some mad upper body strength.

I feel like we are finally reaching the point where we are dealing with the cancer primarily (and the chemo side effects, etc.) instead of having almost all of our attention focused on the infection and the drug withdrawal stuff. And, so far, chemo hasn't been that bad side-effects-wise...or maybe it just doesn't seem that bad given what we've come through. He's had some throwing up, diarrhea, irritability, and some sleepless nights (like last night, ugh), but overall he seems to take those in stride.

Here's evidence...

More chemo today, as usual, but numbers are still holding strong so no blood transfusion.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for smiling Watts! thanks for all the updates. Love you guys!


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