Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday morning

The kids and I just took a rainy day walk after a big breakfast of pancakes and sausage with Papa before he heading off to a elder/staff retreat. Watts is taking his morning nap and Piper is watching a show because I deemed it an appropriate rainy morning activity. My heart feels full to the brim.

Watts' appointment went well yesterday. His counts are up a little bit (to 330) which isn't anywhere close to where they need to be to readmit, but still shows that they are going in the right direction. We'll go back Tuesday and check them again. The doctors are thinking that he'll be ready to admit at that point. We aren't worried at this point and are grateful for another weekend at home; Watts seems to be thriving here, crawling and "talking," and playing more every day. It is delightful to watch!

We are currently in negotiations with some buyers interested in our house! We are so hoping that we can make it work it with them. It is all a balance of figuring out how much we can go down in our asking price while still having money to put down on a down-payment on a new house. We are not going to be making a profit, but our new house payments will (hopefully) be about the same as our current payments. We are cautiously excited!


  1. So happy that you are enjoying a time of the "old" normal amid the new. Both kids look delightfully happy and Watts looks terrific! Praying negotiations go well with the house this weekend and that you are able to buy your "dream" home around the corner. Of course, I'm praying always for healing and for you & Michael's continued strength, peace, and abiding faith.
    In His Love

  2. Those pictures make me smile ... Praying for you always & continuously!


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