Thursday, August 29, 2013

Divide and conquer.

It is a busy week this week... It leaves my head spinning, honestly. What a crazy life this is! The kids and I are in Winston for Watts' treatment (with my mom and sister, Suzi) and Michael is in GSO, running point on all the moving and house stuff. Yesterday the closings both went well and we are now homeowners of the house we've been eyeing for over a year... and passed on our beloved whitewashed house to young newlyweds. We brought both our babies home to that whitewashed house and put in a lot of hours of sweat and tears into it, so it is bittersweet to move on. That being said, with the new house we'll have almost twice the square footage with a smaller monthly mortgage payment, so it's only a little bittersweet;)

Michael told me that there was a small army of people over at the new house yesterday to scrap the popcorn ceilings and another group of people signed-up to move all the boxes and furniture today. Thank you guys!! What a huge, huge gift to us. I can't wait to see everything.

Happy baby during chemo.
Sweet Watts has had a hard time this stay. In the course of a couple hours, he went from smiling and babbling and pointing at helicoptors, to screaming nonstop for 30 minutes immediately following his Cyclophosphamide dose. He finally calmed down after some Tylenol, Benadryl, and a visit from Piper (and silly Gigi), but his mood is definitely more subdued and irritable. We are not sure if his fit was in reaction to the CPM or irritability from the steroids or exhaustion. He has gotten a lot of drugs in the last 72 hours and it seems to be catching up with him. For those that are curious, on Monday and Tuesday he got Daunorubicin, Vincristine, and Dexamethasone. Yesterday and today he will be getting Cyclophosphamide, Dexamethasone, and (only today) PEG-ASP shots. Oh, and he also had Triple Intrathecal Therapy on Monday and received Methotrexate, Hydrocortisone, and Cytarabine. And a bone marrow aspirate.
Post-chemo and crying fit.

He is a trooper! We are hoping and praying that after his 12:30pm (and his last 12:30am) dose of Cyclophosphamide that he will not have any reaction and that he will nap well today despite the steroids coursing through his system. 

We are scheduled to go home (to our new house!) on Friday and should be outpatient for the next 17 days. Once again, his counts will bottom out in a few days so we will need to be extra careful and isolated to keep him from catching a virus or infection. After the 17 days, we will start the Consolidation phase of our protocol which is almost all inpatient... But, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

Thank you for all the support during this crazy time in our family's life. Words can't express how much we appreciate it.

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