
Friday, September 25, 2015

Good appt!

 I posted this to instagram (you can follow me there for more frequent pics) but wanted to post it here too. Watts had two appointments yesterday and both went great! His labs showed NO sign of relapse, his lymphocytes are recovering, his team agreed that he could stop his prophylactic antibiotic (after 2+ years of continual use and endless intestinal issues), and his port removal surgery has been scheduled for next week. What a day! We are so thankful and so relieved. Every appointment feels a bit like walking to the edge of a cliff and wondering if we are going to be jumping off again. What sweet relief when the doctors tell us that all is well!

Today we rejoice in Watts' good news, all while aching for those who didn't or won't be receiving good news about their boys and their girls. Lord, be with them.